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Dear Pastor,

I am writing to give you an opportunity to request a free and postage paid copy of my new expository commentary entitled Revelation: A Manual of Spiritual Warfare.  My purpose in making this book available to you free and without obligation is to get as many copies into the hands of pastors as rapidly as possible and to distribute the book as widely as possible.

This book takes a covenantal, amillennial, idealist approach in interpreting Revelation.  It parallels the approach taken by William Hendriksen in his classic work More Than Conquerors.  I have been a Reformed Baptist pastor for 34 years and subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.

This book is especially suited for reformed pastors who need help in understanding, expounding, and applying the book of Revelation to their congregations from the pulpit. It is in the form of 67 expository sermons preached consecutively through the book.

What makes this book compelling is the clarity, simplicity, and completeness of its exposition.  Nothing is left ambiguous, difficult passages are dealt with forthrightly, and scriptural proof is provided to support each assertion. Every verse is dealt with and explained. Eschatology in general and Revelation in particular will become understandable to the reader. Pastors will be equipped to preach through this difficult book with the confidence they are accurately representing its message.

The reader will see that Christ is systematically building His Kingdom in this age through the process of spiritual warfare against Satan and His helpers, and though they resist Him and His people, they will be defeated in this age, and destroyed by Christ at His second coming. Therefore, believers can fight spiritual warfare with strength and confidence, knowing that Christ insures their victory both in the battle and in the end

The book opens with a foreword on the importance and simplicity of biblical eschatology.  It sets forth why we must care about the subject, so the reader will be motivated to make the effort to understand it.  It also provides the basis for assuring the reader that understanding eschatology is not as difficult as it seems and that it is an achievable goal.

This is followed by six chapters of introduction to Revelation that provide the framework for its interpretation.  Here the reader is led step by step through the foundational concepts that will make the meaning and message of Revelation understandable. These concepts enable the reader to proceed through the text with the tools he needs to understand its message and provide him with confidence that he is arriving at the proper meaning of each verse.

The vast bulk of the book (61 chapters) is made up of the exposition of the text of Revelation. Each verse is fully explained in its context and according to the principles of interpretation stated in the introduction. Each chapter begins with an introduction which is followed by a well-outlined exposition of the text. Every phrase of every verse is explained.  Nothing is skipped or omitted, as is the case with nearly all other commentaries.  The message of the passage is then applied to the life of the reader throughout and especially at the end of each chapter.  Also, contained within the body of the book is an exposition of Daniel 2 and 7 in chapters 35 and 36.  They were introduced in the commentary at the point where they were relevant to the exposition of Revelation.

The body of the book is followed by four appendices that address difficult eschatological issues.  The first appendix is a detailed exposition of Matthew 24 in five chapters, that demonstrates the harmony between the teaching of Revelation and the teaching of Matthew 24.  The second appendix is a proper explanation of Daniel 9:24-27.  It provides a rebuttal to those who teach dispensational eschatology and its errors.  The third appendix addresses Ezekiel’s temple in Ezekiel 40-43.  It rebuts the dispensational interpreters who insist it must be built during the millennium. The fourth appendix explains the source and nature of civil government by explaining the relationship between Revelation 13 and Romans 13.

The book is in two hardback volumes of approximately 550 pages each. If this book sounds of interest to you and you would like to receive a free and postage paid copy of it, please respond to this email with a statement of your interest and an address to which we can mail the book. If you know of other pastors or ministerial students who would be interested in the book, please extend this same offer to them.

My only request is if you find it helpful to you in understanding the meaning and message of Revelation, that you would recommend it to others, or post a review of it on Amazon. It is available for purchase to the general public on Amazon and JPL Books as well as other retail outlets.

May the Lord Jesus Christ fill you with an understanding of His word and may He richly bless your ministry with His mercy and grace.

In Christ,

Max Doner